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Séminaire CEA-Genoscope de Johannes Söding

14 janvier 2020 à 10h00

Le CEA-Genoscope organise un séminaire qui a pour thème :

 » Bioinformatics tools for the age of metagenomics « 

Intervenant : Johannes Söding
Quantitative and Computational Biology
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Göttingen – Germany

Abstract :
Metagenomics allows us to study microbes and phages in their natural environment without the need for cultivation. It is revolutionizing our understanding of the impacts of our gut microbiomes on our healt and the biochemical and geological processes that microbes catalyse in the environment. However, the deluge of data is challenging previous analysis tools, and the analysis of metagenomic datasets is now the main time and cost bottleneck. I will present several methods to help in the high-throughput analysis of large metagenomic datasets : Fast sequence (profile) searches for sequence annotations (MMseqs2), sequence clustering (linclust), protein-giuded nucleotide sequence assembly, and phage-host predictions (space-pharer and WiSH).

His research interest covers development of statistical and computational methods for analyzing data from high-throughput biological experiments. Our work is focussed on protein function and structure prediction, sequence search and assembly in metagenomics, transcription regulation, gene regulatory networks, and systems medicine.

Invité par  : Eric Pelletier

Date & lieu

14 janvier 2020 à 10h00

CEA / Genoscope
salle F. Jacob – RDC (Bât.G1).
2 rue Gaston Cremieux
91000 Evry

Avec le soutien de
Région île de France